Awesome Rochester Fishing – 4/1 to 4/3


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Date(s):4/1 4/2 4/3
Time on Water:3 8 hour trips
Weather/Temp:40 cloudy to sunny
Wind Speed/Direction:Waves: 1-3 w to nw
Surface Temp: 36 to 38.5
Location:irondequoit to lighthouseLAT/LONG (GPS Cords):

Total Hits: 73Total Boated:54
Species Breakdown:4 pike 2cohos 48 browns
Hot Lure: black and silver sticks
Trolling Speed: 2.0/2.8Down Speed:
Boat Depth: 4.0/11.0
Lure Depth: surface

Just another awesome spring in good old rachachaster. There seems to be plenty of fish around, not many cohos showing up yet. The browns were loaded with monster gobies. Someone needs to make a lure the same shape, size, and color of the gobie. It only needs to dive 4ft at the most. One could only hope it would be in the future.

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