Well April of 2021 is now history, thank you. This was by far the worst brown trout fishing i have seen since i have fished this lake.(1977) Everybody struggled from one end of the lake to the other to find the browns. We could not find big numbers like every other spring has been. There has been just enough bites to keep your interest. Fortunately the salmon have showed up on time, usually around May. The Kings and Coho salmon are chewing the bait and my lures which is a beautiful thing. They should be staying in our water for the rest of the year getting shifted around by mother nature, but not going to far. The steelhead ( rainbows) fishing will be developing with the warmer temps coming to make those surface temperature breaks which the steelhead and salmon love to hang around. Hopefully mother nature is kind to us this year. If you are interested in fishing this year please don’t hesitate because i have limited dates available in June, July, August and September. Look forward to seeing you on the Hookedup.
Capt. Bruce