Here we are waist deep in snow and i am thinking about spring and that awesome bite that comes with it. I am almost positive that the Hookedup will be delayed into the second week april. Lake Ontario is covered in ice more than last year which can be a good thing. For those of you who fished with me in the early spring (april,may) know what I am talking about. Rochester offers the warmest water in the lake come spring, and with that comes the bait, and salmon. This year having more ice cover the salmon will be here big time, again. The 2014 season was the best spring king salmon bite I have ever seen since 19 77. There was many days that clients would have over 20 plus salmon bites. They were sitting just outside of the shallow brown trout waters. The browns were there in great numbers as well. I had some early spring fishing .reports of 2013 if you would like to read more. I just wanted to give some people a mid winter spark to think spring. For those of you who going to do a spring trip please call me a.s.a.p. to get the date or dates you want. Oh yea, I almost forgot. I will be re tiring from my job of 35yrs in august. Fishing will be my job. I will be sending a mass email out when spring gets closer. Talk to you soon.
Capt. Bruce